A word on cashflow and budgeting: Do you need a freelance writer?

10 09 2010

Wanted: Cash please--or work will do.

Independently wealthy? Yes please, thank you. That would be best. In my youth, I even believed this was possible. Ha! Hee hee. Now I know that my family inheritance is little more than a great story mixed with good intentions, delusions of grandeur and catastrophe. Plus, my current earning record is modest at best, especially as evidenced by my most recent bank statements. So, even if it begins to take off over night into the realms of great success, it will most likely be a little while before I get out of the hole I’ve dug myself into and have any faith that this upward momentum is not just some temporary fluke–a tragic accident serving only to mock me and my dreams. 

Debts create weight to a budget. My debts consist of students loans and a car payment. Period. So that’s one good mark for me. But, this means I do still have student loan debts and a car payment to address, which puts my need for income already weighted when I examine the low-cost-of-living benefits of living in Latin America. 

Working abroad. There’s good news and bad news for me working abroad. The good news is that my goal of never working as a drone in an office environment ever again is easy to accomplish since foreigners aren’t likely to get full-time office gigs overseas (it happens, but it’s not easy). Score! Limiting choices can be a very helpful tool towards realizing personal goals. 

What to do? This leaves me with a single critical objective: build a freelance writing business that is fully sustainable as I migrate, wherever and whenever I might go. Easy? No. Achievable? Certainly. Will I achieve it within a 1.5 year timeframe so that I’m fully prepared to move in two years? Why not? (I love answering a question with a question. It’s so obnoxious, isn’t it?) 

Meanwhile, I’m just building the damn freelance writing business. I’m taking short-term and long-term gigs. Working on projects that will help me build a diverse portfolio and enhance my credibility and also taking on projects that simply pay. I’m thinking of this thing like diversifying a portfolio at the start. I can be a cranky elitist writer-type when I have the reputation and cashflow to afford being a cranky elitist writer-type. Today, I need to build the business in reputation, body of work and income. I’m also convinced that if I do my job well, and eagerly soak up all of the lessons dished out to me along the way with an open mind and heart, that cranky elitist writer-type will probably not appear very often in my personality. Oh, will my closest friends be grateful! 

Help? So, if you happen to need a freelancer for any type of writing, please feel free to contact me. Small, large or medium projects, collaborations, etc. I’m game, and I will genuinely appreciate the support. Please feel free to contact me: daphnestreet@daphnestreet.com 

Happy trails  –Daphne